Extended Follow Friday for September 18, 2009: @victorcajiao #ff #followfriday

Victor, his wife Mary and I

A Typical and Worthy Expert

The story goes like this:

In 2006 I fell in love with podcasting due to the acquisition of an 5G iPod for Christmas '05. In a way, the iPod was the catalyst for the discovery of my inner tech geek, (as I had already found my yoga geek.) I gobbled as many podcasts as I could, plus nurtured dreams of podcasting. As I watered the seeds of my podcasting dreams I began to see that the soil that I was using was not optimal: it was a Gateway Laptop.

Like a good gardener, I searched for ways in which I could fertilize the soil in an organic way, for me it was by subscribing to beginner how-to PC podcasts. This is how I came to meet this weeks #followfriday subject, my dear friend and podcasting guru Victor Cajiao. Back in 2006 Victor was still producing The Typical PC Podcast, which I came to LOVE, as he taught me so many things about my PC that I had no idea about. I often wrote him emails with questions...um...a euphemism for problems, that I had with my PC. Three wonderful things happened in these first exchanges with him: he encouraged me to podcast, he instilled in me a love for Macs and I got the blessing to gain the friendship of a truly wonderful human being.

I heard of Twitter and got an account because of Victor, plus he was the first person I followed on Twitter.

Currently Victor has two wonderful podcasts: The Typical Mac User Podcast and the Typical Shutterbug Podcast. He also makes appearances in many other Mac podcasts such as The Mac Round Table Podcast and The MacCast. No matter in which podcast you hear his voice, you have the opportunity to learn from someone who truly cares about teaching and reaching his audience. He loves what he does and he does it well. He cares about his community and any exchange that you have with him is genuine and honest. I absolutely appreciate his honesty and his willingness to always tell it like it is. His guidance has been, either one on one or simply through my ears, invaluable. I have lost count how many times I have gone to Victor with some crazy tech problem (now mainly other devices NOT my Mac :) ) and he has immediately lend a helping hand.

Expert Typical know-how

In conclusion, Victor Cajiao is a must follow on Twitter (or any other platform, most importantly his podcasts) if you are a Mac lover, a photography lover or even simply a very new enthusiast of the Mac platform or photography, as his podcasts are great for the "typical" person looking to dive into their passions.His voice is down to earth and full of integrity.

Oh yea, sometimes no matter how much you fertilize the soil, it's just not going to give you the results that you want, so since November 2006 I have been a Mac Girl and love every minute of it! Thanks to Victor!

By the way if you're wondering about this extended #followfriday, refer to my post explaining all about it :)